Using Essential Oils For Overactive Bladder

Using essential oils for overactive bladder control has become a popular alternative treatment approach. This is mainly due to the fact that there have been numerous studies showing the safety and effectiveness of using these natural methods. Some of these natural therapies include drinking tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar and lavender tea. Here are some of the benefits and uses of essential oils for overactive bladder.

Clary sage essential oil: has been proven to be very effective in treating a variety of health conditions. This includes an increase in sperm count in men. Studies have also shown clary sage essential oil to be very effective in relieving urinary symptoms such as frequent urination, painful urination and even infertility in male mammals. Other uses of this carrier oil are to fight yeast infections, insect bites, athlete's foot, nail fungus and athlete's foot.

Another natural therapy: that is very effective in treating the symptoms of overactive bladder is apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar can reduce the amount of urine produced by the body. Overactive bladder syndrome is a condition where the bladder becomes overactive and produces too much urine. Taking apple cider vinegar helps to balance the acidity levels in the body to help relieve the discomfort caused by overactive bladder.

Another great natural therapy is lavender essential oil: This essential oil has been widely used to treat a variety of different ailments including irritable bladder. This is due to the fact that lavender contains powerful anti-spasmodic properties that can relax the bladder muscle and decrease the urge to urinate. The result is less leaking and ultimately less discomfort. In addition to treating bladder spasms, lavender has been used to reduce anxiety, treat depression, and calm frayed nerves.

Aromatherapy also offers an alternative: treatment option for people who would prefer to try a more natural therapy instead of using prescription medications. Aromatherapy works by using certain aromas to affect the brain and induce relaxation. One of the most popular essential oils used in aromatherapy is citronella oil, which can be applied topically to reduce the incidence of urine leaking from the bladder. While these are all excellent alternative treatments for overactive bladder, it is best to discuss these options with your doctor to ensure they are safe for you.

When considering alternative therapies: for treating bladder problems, consider a homeopathic alternative treatment such as botanical extracts. Extracts from botanical sources can help your body to naturally correct bladder dysfunction by restoring proper levels of alkaline in the body. In addition to being a safe treatment option, botanical extracts are also known to help the nervous system and improve overall health.

Botanical extracts are excellent ingredients if you want to find a natural therapy for treating bladder problems.