Tips Which Will Help You To Quit Smoking

You are an adult and you are living a responsible life but still you don’t want to give up on smoking. If you are one of those people who is suffering from the problem of not being able to quit smoking, then you are not alone. There are millions of smokers all over the world who are suffering from the same problem.

According to the latest research, it has been proved that smoking can cause several health problems like cancer, heart attack, lung disease, stroke etc. So, if you want to quit smoking, then it is very important that you should try different ways.

If you are a smoker and you don’t want to give up on it, then here are some tips which will help you to quit smoking:

1. Find your motivation

Most of the smokers don’t have any reason to quit smoking because they have their reasons to smoke. But you must have a strong reason to quit smoking as it will be very difficult to stop smoking without any reason.

You have to make a list of all the reasons which are why you want to quit smoking and share them with your friends or family members. They can be the main reasons for quitting smoking.

2. Get rid of cigarettes

When you are thinking about quitting smoking, then you should think about what will happen after you quit smoking. If you are thinking that you will get a pack of cigarettes from somewhere else, then it is not a good idea.

So, you should think about getting rid of all the cigarettes which are in your house. It is very important that you should get rid of all the cigarettes because it is very hard to get a cigarette from anywhere else.

3. Give up smoking

If you have already decided that you will quit smoking, then it is time to give up smoking. You need to start preparing for it and you have to find a way to quit smoking. If you have tried all the tips which I have mentioned above and still you don’t want to give up smoking, then it is very important that you should consult a doctor who can guide you.


I hope you liked this post about “Tips Which Will Help You To Quit Smoking”. There are several ways to quit smoking and I have shared with you some of them. You must try them and if they don’t work for you, then you should consult a doctor.