Can You Have a seizure From Weed?

How can you have a seizure from weed? This is by far the first question that is going to cross your mind when attempting to make a connection between marijuana and seizures. So, how can this be possible if I have never had a seizure in my entire life? Well, to adequately answer this and several other similar queries, it is best to debunk all three popular myths about marijuana and seizures...

Epilepsy is one of the most prevalent neurological conditions that affect people - It is also one of the least understood, which means that there is a lot of misinformation floating around. The American Epilepsy Society says that approximately 1.25 million adults suffer from the medical marijuana condition known as epilepsy. One of the major problems with seizures being associated with marijuana is that it is smoked, which means it goes through the lungs and then into the blood it ample opportunity to go through the entire system, as it were.

Now, when it comes to seizures - marijuana does NOT cause them. Seizures are caused by a variety of different things, and it is often hard to pinpoint one main cause. However, medical marijuana does NOT cause seizures in people with epilepsy. This is because the medical marijuana reduces epilepsy and related symptoms, such as severe head trauma, or certain types of convulsions. However, weed is not the only thing that causes these types of side effects.

Besides medical marijuana - another thing that can cause a seizure is alcohol or another type of intoxicating substance. These types of substances increase the electrical activity in the brain, which then can result in a seizure or two. However, again, this is not the case with medical marijuana. In fact, marijuana is probably the safest thing you can use to treat epilepsy, because it has very little to no effect on the neurological systems inside your body.

Another factor about seizures - that often confuses people is that they occur during a particularly active or stressful moment. People who have epilepsy often find themselves in stressful situations quite often, and it can be hard to remember to take care of yourself properly when you are worried about having a seizure. This is why CBD is so helpful for epilepsy sufferers it can help to reduce the amount of stress your body experiences, making it much easier for you to keep track of your life and keep your stress levels under control. By relaxing enough to avoid a seizure, it can make possible the elimination of seizures and their accompanying symptoms.

If you have had a seizure disorder before - you will want to stay clear of marijuana and any other substance that might have a similar effect on your body. They can greatly increase the frequency of your seizures, as well as your overall general stress level, and many times this is not worth it. Even if you have one or two incidents of an epileptic seizure every few years, it is better for your health overall to stay away from marijuana and any other kind of substance found in marijuana, whether it is in pill form or in the form of a marijuana extract.

By avoiding marijuana altogether, you can dramatically reduce the number of seizures you have, allowing yourself to live a much healthier life.