3 Simple Steps To Pass Drug Test

Baking soda is one of the most common household products, which can be used in various ways. It is a common ingredient for making soap, cleaning dishes, washing clothes and many more. It is also used for various purposes like removing stains, improving skin and hair.

But what if you are a person who is facing the problem of passing drug test? In this situation, you need to take help from some experts. They will guide you how to pass drug test with the help of baking soda.

Here are some simple tips that will help you to pass the drug test:

1. Use baking soda to remove traces of drugs

You may have heard that baking soda can be used to remove the traces of drugs, but it is not a myth. If you have been using baking soda for a long time, then it is sure that you have used it for removing the traces of drugs. It is also known as a good ingredient for detoxifying.

The most common way of using baking soda is to add water and mix them well. Then you need to soak a cloth in the mixture and apply it on your body. This will make your skin smooth and remove the traces of drugs from your body.

2. Baking soda as an alternative for deodorant

Deodorant is one of the most important things that we use to get rid of the smell. But sometimes it doesn’t work, which is the reason why many people look for an alternative. Baking soda is one of the best alternatives for deodorant, as it can eliminate the bad smell of the body.

Mix baking soda with water and apply it on the areas where you want to remove the smell. After this, you need to dry the area with a towel. You can also use a fan to dry the area.

3. Baking soda to clean your skin

You have heard that baking soda is a good ingredient to use for cleaning your skin. But you don’t have any idea about how to use it for cleaning your skin. It is a very simple way to clean your skin.

Just take a bowl and add some water and baking soda in it. Then mix them well and apply it on your face. Wash your face with lukewarm water and you will get rid of all the dirt and impurities from your skin.


These are the most effective tips that will help you to pass drug test. So, you can try these tips and get rid of the problem of passing drug test.